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November 2017 Group Hug

Hi Huggers! I hope everyone is coming down from yesterday's sugar high & can focus on a new Hug. Some of you are aware of my husband's bicycle ministry, Riders of Christ. This month some prayers are needed for a mountain biker named TJ.

Tj was severely injured with a spinal/neck injury very early Saturday morning (Oct 14) at the 24hr Rocky Hill Roundup. He was on a downhill and face planted. His helmet saved his life and broke in half. He was rushed to the hospital responsive, but with no use of his legs.

He had successful surgery Sunday morning (Oct 15) to fuse the spine and neck area. It is still unclear what damage was done to the vertebrae and how much use of his legs he will have.

Yesterday (Oct 31), they removed his tracheostomy and feeding tubes. He worked in physical therapy and was able to move his legs a bit. They are hoping to move him from the hospital in Austin, where the accident occurred, to his hometown soon.

Let's hug TJ with lots of cards of encouragement and successful recovery wishes. He has a long road ahead, especially for someone who is used to being active. Everyone, please pray for complete recovery. We know nothing is impossible with the One, True God!

"When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles."

Ps 34:17 ESV

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